时序更迭,光阴荏苒。奔流雄阔的大辽河在自然界中无声的记录着两面岩日新月异的变化。 回首往昔,自1958年建厂以来,一代又一代辽滨船舶人艰苦创业,上下求索,为了实现一个共同的理想,我们经受着风浪的考验,不断调整产品结构和营销策略,拓展经营领域,整合企业的品牌资源、人才资源、管理资源和产业资源,在市场经济的大潮中奋勇前进,激情演绎企业的强盛之梦。 “好风凭借力”,送我上青云,”我们坚信,在各级领导的关心和社会各界朋友的大力支持和厚爱下,我们的梦想,一定能够早日实现! |
Time elapses quickly.The flushing and imposing Liao River records all the changes with each passing day along the river. By looking back,Liao Bin people struggling to carve out a way and studiously research generation by generation since the factory was founded. To achieve the same ideal, we endure the difficulties, continuously adjust product structure and sales strategy,expand the business scope, and integrate the company brand resource, human resource, management resource and industry resource. We bravely progress in the market economy, enthusiastically realize our dream to be puissant. "In virtue of wind, rush into the sky." We believe our dream will come true with the concerning from all levels governors and with the support from all our social friends. |